Mental Health Awareness

Mental Health Overview

Knowing common signs and symptoms is the first step to recognizing if someone should speak with a medical or mental health professional to determine if there is a mental health condition in which treatment would be appropriate.


Johnson County and Indiana have multiple resources available to help those who may be dealing with a mental health challenge. See what is available here, and reach out - you're worth it!


Taking time to take care of yourself is vital - especially if you have others in your life who count on you being at your best! Below are some links and tips to help you take some time out of your busy life to fill your cup!

Join Us in Supporting the 1 in 5

Most of us know what it's like to suffer a physical injury. First, there's the shock and pain of the immediate injury. Then, there's the long-term consequences of that injury. If we are hurt badly — such as if we have a broken bone or a bruised internal organ — we might require care from medical professionals.

Conversation Starters

Before and After the Conversation: Make time to spend with them. Spending time with someone signals that you care, and it may help them open up to you. Before the Conversation: Choose the right time and place to have the conversation. Use a private space and make sure you have the time available to provide support.

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